On Air: Law & Crime Network- “Best Friend Murder Trail”

Jeffrey provides his thoughts on the Best Friend Murder Trial.  Contemplating the difficult decision ahead: Prosecution weighs the possibility of pursuing charges again, mindful of the victim’s family, the challenges of proving the case, and the emotional toll of a retrial. Justice, resilience, and the weight of a family’s wishes hang in the balance.  

Can Mass Tort Litigation Reduce Gun Violence?

Everyone acknowledges that we have an epidemic of gun violence in America. Opinions vary strongly as to what to do about it. Some people believe military assault rifles should be banned or made much harder to obtain, while others contend that nothing should be done to restrict public access.  

Texas Watch Discusses New Book, Last Rights

Texas Watch sits down with Professor Jeffrey B. Simon to discuss his new book on the fight to save the 7th Amendment. Be sure to check out the links provided below.

On Air: Law & Crime Network- “Take Care Of Maya Trial”

Differing diagnoses fuel the legal debate. As the defense presents a witness suggesting Munchhausen by proxy, the prosecution questions the clarity of the medical opinions. A tangled web of theories surrounds Maya Kowalski’s pain, leaving the courtroom in a complex realm of uncertainty. Jeffrey B. Simon is a Legal Analyst on Dan Abrams’ Law &… Continue reading On Air: Law & Crime Network- “Take Care Of Maya Trial”

On Air: Law & Crime Network- “Hitman Conspiracy Trial”

Defense struggles to find a motive: Jeffrey B. Simon weighs in on the Hitman Conspiracy Trial, acknowledging the challenges in establishing a credible motive for the defendant. As the plot thickens, questions about who orchestrated the murder unfold, leaving the jury to untangle a web of potential motives. Jeffrey B. Simon is a Legal Analyst… Continue reading On Air: Law & Crime Network- “Hitman Conspiracy Trial”

Insights into the $2 billion opioid settlement with Johnson & Johnson and Big Oils environmental impact

SkyNews sits down with Lawyer Jeffrey B. Simon to reveal insights into the $2 billion opioid settlement with Johnson & Johnson and the fight against Big Oils environmental impact.  Don’t miss this eyeopening interview!

Exclusive Interview with Savoir Fair Magazine

In the world of legal battles, few individuals stand as tall as our guest today, Attorney Jeffrey B. Simon. A relentless advocate for justice, he has been at the forefront of groundbreaking cases that have reshaped our understanding of corporate responsibility and accountability. From taking on pharmaceutical giants in the opioid crisis to spearheading the… Continue reading Exclusive Interview with Savoir Fair Magazine

The Lawyer Suing 17 Fossil Fuel Companies

The Lever speaks with a lawyer suing the fossil fuel industry for its role in a deadly heatwave. On this week’s episode of Lever Time Premium, exclusively for The Lever’s supporting subscribers, Frank Cappello speaks with lawyer Jeffrey B. Simon, who is suing 17 fossil fuel companies for their contribution to a 2021 heatwave that… Continue reading The Lawyer Suing 17 Fossil Fuel Companies

Simon Greenstone Panatier, PC Announced Law Firm Of The Year

“We excel at protecting the rights of injured claimants because of our focused approach to each case. We are ready and prepared from day one to go to trial. Our opposing counsel and the firms they represent know this about us and respect our commitment,” says Jeffrey B. Simon, founding shareholder of Simon Greenstone Panatier,… Continue reading Simon Greenstone Panatier, PC Announced Law Firm Of The Year

Can we sue our way out of climate change? Big Oil is hit with a massive lawsuit.

KNX In Depth’s Charles Feldman and Rob Archer talk to attorney Jeffrey B. Simon. He’s leading a massive $52 billion lawsuit against Big Oil over its alleged role in climate change. Simon is also coming out with a new book this week called Last Rights: The Fight to Save the 7th Amendment. LISTEN BELOW