Jeffrey B. Simon: Battling Big Oil & the Rising Threat of Extreme Heat Events

In this insightful interview, Miami Living Magazine speaks with Jeffrey B. Simon, a prominent attorney leading the charge against Big Oil in landmark climate change lawsuits. Simon discusses the severe consequences of fossil fuel pollution, focusing on heat dome events like the catastrophic one in Oregon, and the scientific evidence linking such extreme weather events… Continue reading Jeffrey B. Simon: Battling Big Oil & the Rising Threat of Extreme Heat Events

Oil Industry Opposes Biden Administration’s Climate Nuisance Suit Claims

The oil industry is opposing arguments from the Biden administration’s solicitor general (SG) urging the Supreme Court to reject the sector’s call to overrule a Hawaii court ruling that allows Honolulu’s climate nuisance and fraud case to proceed, arguing that the SG “attempts to throw a wrench in the works, raising a series of purported… Continue reading Oil Industry Opposes Biden Administration’s Climate Nuisance Suit Claims

Fox 5 Washington DC: Heat Killed Record Number Of Americans Last Year

Jeffrey goes on air with Fox 5 (Washington DC) to discuss 2023’s deadliest year in American history for heat related deaths and the $52B lawsuit against Big Oil.

COP28: Five reasons for optimism on climate

BBC discusses the big oil crisis and COP28 with Jeffrey B. Simon.   “Getting the defendants to reduce their emissions is not within the reach of the civil justice system in the US, but holding them accountable for the harm they’ve caused, and the misrepresentations they’ve made, which has slowed adaptation to those problems, is definitely… Continue reading COP28: Five reasons for optimism on climate

Inside the new climate assault on the oil majors

In Multnomah County, Oregon, temperatures reached 42 degrees Celsius, 44.5 degrees and 46.6 degrees over successive days. Before that week began, the county’s record temperature was 41.6 degrees, and its average high temperature was just 21 degrees.  

Insights into the $2 billion opioid settlement with Johnson & Johnson and Big Oils environmental impact

SkyNews sits down with Lawyer Jeffrey B. Simon to reveal insights into the $2 billion opioid settlement with Johnson & Johnson and the fight against Big Oils environmental impact.  Don’t miss this eyeopening interview!