May 10, 2023

Lawyer who fought Big Pharma and won says corporate greed can be stopped.

KNX In Depth’s Elsa Ramon and Rob Archer talk to attorney Jeffrey B. Simon on fighting corporate power and how he won Texas $1.8 billion from Big Pharma to help fight the opioid crisis. Simon is coming out with a new book called Last Rights: The Fight to Save the 7th Amendment.    

May 01, 2023

The National Law Journal Lists Jeffrey B. Simon as one of the Top Texas Trailblazers for 2023.

Trailblazers is a special supplement spotlighting professionals who are agents of change in their respective practice areas.    

Apr 19, 2023

Op-Ed: Congress Should Repeal Special Immunity It Gave the Gun Industry

Attorney and law professor Jeffrey B. Simon says America’s debate on gun violence and “oversupply” should focus on options that don’t infringe on anyone’s constitutional rights—such as repealed federal tort immunity for gun manufacturers and dealers.  

Feb 07, 2023

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You – Asbestos in Talc

We all know the adage, “What you don’t know can hurt you.” There is truth in that conventional wisdom. Harms caused by exposure to talc-based cosmetic and body powders prove the point…

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